Website Updated 01/10/25
We are shutting down our breeding program do to health issues. I give thanks to all my beagle families that I've acquired and loved over the last 22 years. I'm very proud of what we have done here, and feel honored to have been a part of so many families lives.
Hello and welcome to our site! We have a great passion for our Beagles, and do our very best to give them the life they deserve. All of our Beagles are AKC &/or NKC registered. We have over 22 years experience in the life of beagles, and we are on our 4th generation with our original line.
Our philosophy is preserving the beagle breed in the essences of temperament, health and conformation. Our main goal is to provide a very health, happy and beautiful beagle to families that want a great quality family member.
Please take a look at all of our family, and feel free to e-mail or call if you have any questions or comments.
Mother 2017 Son 2021
Same box.....Runs in the Family LOL